Welcome to a Lavishing Life
Messages of Hope by Denae Haas
A Tiny Seed
The tiny seed of an idea of living a lavishing life was planted one Sunday as I listened to our pastor teach a message on generosity. I was awakened to the possibility of living a different kind of life as we were challenged to live generously open towards God and the people around us. As I considered it, I realized how tightly I had held on in fear to people and things - my children, my husband, our home, my affections, words, talents, and time. I'd been holding on tightly, thinking it was up to me to control our happiness, peace, and future. But what a small and limited way that was to live.
I really like Maya Angelou's quote in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. She said, "I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better." This perspective of being at peace with the process of learning and growing helps me receive the grace that God constantly gives.
Trusting God rather letting fear direct my life, I'm learning to live with an open heart and open hands, and finding much more meaning, fulfillment, and freedom in a life that's fully surrendered. There's peace, even in difficulty, and much more joy in every-day life.
I hope you'll join me on this journey of living a lavishing life. Living this way means we get to be a part of receiving and sharing the generous love that God has lavished upon us. Every little seed of generosity sown grows and multiplies, impacting the world around us in ways more beautiful and eternal than we could have ever imagined!
Much Love.

"If you cling to your life,
you will lose it; but if you give up
your life for me, you will find it."
- Matthew 10:39, NLT
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