Are you living 'on the fence', on the edge, waiting - holding out, not yet giving all of yourself completely to God?
From a girl who lived that way for too many years, let me show you a picture...
I'm swimming in a pool of fire.
It's pure joy - I'm alive, splashing and thriving, calling out, 'Come in!'
Some want to, but are afraid to jump - to give it all up.
I'm calling, 'It's wonderful, it's life!'
'Come in!'
John gives it all and jumps in, making a cannonball.
Who else will join us - in life, in God and
alive in His very Son and Spirit?
Abandoned in in-loveness,
completely covered in joy,
deep and wide, fire-water - who will give
all and come in?
Look closer -
Fire is hot, it's flames are high.
It is bright, awe-inspiring and worthy of respect.
Fire requires reverence, a holy fear.
It is consuming, all consuming.
In the fire-water stones fall down to the depths
and hearts come up alive, on fire.
Watching, trembling, will you jump in?
God must be within - in the very center
of your being.
For no one can do this in his own power.
He must be high and lifted up - the
Anointed Jesus - your Rock, Shelter,
Only then can one withstand the fire -
only in Him.
In Him we find faith to lift a foot
and He meets us there, in the jump.
In the fire, we die.
And not only do we survive, but like
seeds requiring a death through
immense heat, we come fully alive! Hear us calling, 'Come in!'
'Come alive! Live! Live! Live!
For more on this jump and finding faith, follow me to the video "All In" here.