After learning to trust and surrender to the Spirit of God, I wanted to know Him more. Have you too wondered about His role in our lives, or considered how to respond and invite Him in each day? How can we become a place where the Spirit will rest? Let’s continue our search…
What Does the Mysterious Holy Spirit Do?
There are so many mysteries within God; Holy Spirit is the one who helps us understand them. Isaiah 55:8 says God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. This is why we need the Holy Spirit. He searches the mind of God and explains it to us in ways that we can understand – God’s Spirit speaking to our spirit. God wants us to know Him and it’s His Spirit that facilitates deep understanding and relationship.
“ It is only our own spirit within us that knows all about us; in the same way, only God’s Spirit knows all about God. We have not received this world’s spirit; instead, we have received the Spirit sent by God, so that we may know all that God has given us.” 1 Corinthians 2:11-13
The Holy Spirit also helps us to understand the truth of God’s word. In John 13:26 Jesus explains, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I have said to you.” As we read the Bible, the Holy Spirit is the one who brings it alive. He reveals God’s truths and confirms them in our spirit!
As we learn about God’s heart through the revelation of His word, our hearts respond and we want to become more like Jesus. To be like Jesus, we must know Him. The Holy Spirit makes this possible! He teaches us about Jesus, His heart and His ways.
Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” When we are filled with God’s Spirit, we are empowered to respond like Jesus; we can live differently than we would in the strength of our own flesh. We no longer just go through the motions and strive to obey the rules, but are filled with the Spirit of God – free and empowered to live like Christ. Paul explains it so well in Romans 7 & 8…
” I know that good does not live in me—that is, in my human nature. For even though the desire to do good is in me, I am not able to do it. I don’t do the good I want to do; instead, I do the evil that I do not want to do. If I do what I don’t want to do, this means that I am no longer the one who does it; instead, it is the sin that lives in me.
There is no condemnation now for those who live in union with Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit, which brings us life in union with Christ Jesus, has set me free from the law of sin and death.
What the Law could not do, because human nature was weak, God did. He condemned sin in human nature by sending his own Son, who came with a nature like our sinful nature, to do away with sin.
God did this so that the righteous demands of the Law might be fully satisfied in us who live according to the Spirit, and not according to human nature.
Those who live as their human nature tells them to, have their minds controlled by what human nature wants. Those who live as the Spirit tells them to, have their minds controlled by what the Spirit wants. To be controlled by human nature results in death; to be controlled by the Spirit results in life and peace.”
The Devil’s Got A Plan!
The devil has done a victorious job of confusing us about the Holy Spirit. If he can’t keep us from accepting Christ, then he will try to stop us from living in the fullness of God. In Good Morning, Holy Spirit, Benny Hinn explains why the devil works to keep us from knowing the Holy Spirit, “he knows that the moment you discover the personality and reality of the Spirit, your life will be dramatically transformed.” We don’t need to fall for the devil’s tactics of confusion or fear any longer. God’s Spirit is trustworthy and good. Let’s not deny His presence and power in our lives any longer. If you are hungry for more of God, inviting the Holy Spirit into your daily life is the key that opens the door to a life of experiencing God!
How Do We Respond?
If we want intimacy with God and an empowered life, all we must do is ask. Now is the time to get quiet before God and speak to the Holy Spirit. Yes, we can actually talk with Him! Then listen carefully, because when He speaks, it is like the faintest whisper, an impression, or quiet feeling. Satan will try to make us question if what we hear is actually God. He wants to make us think that it’s just our own idea. He would rather that we hold back – out of fear and doubt, but if we choose to believe, we will be rewarded with the presence of God in our daily lives!
A Different Life
Spiritual thinking and living is not easy, but it is good. A life that relies on the leading of the Holy Spirit requires putting faith into the unseen. It requires being willing to be spritually-minded and looking a little bit different! Imagine how pleased God is when we open our hearts and lives to every part of Him. 1 Peter 2:9 says, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;” We are supposed to look different to the world; we should stand out as unique people, living out God’s heart.
Matthew 5:16 says, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Why should we know Holy Spirit intimately? So that we can be filled with a true understanding of who Jesus is and be filled with power to share God’s heart for mankind. We can partner with God’s very Spirit and shine brightly in this dark world by reflecting His nature in power! I hope you will not resist Him, but receive Him! He is waiting!