Looking for a Mentor
Have you ever wanted someone to mentor you? Perhaps you’re a mentor to others. I think we can and should be both! Recently, I asked a friend if we could get together weekly, hoping she might speak into my life on a regular basis. She responded “Sure!” and suggested we follow the plan within the book The Divine Mentor by Wayne Cordeiro. “Perfect,” I thought; mentorship was just what I had in mind!
I expected the book to be about mentoring relationships, yet found a deeper truth on why we need Divine mentoring. Within the pages was inspiration and reinforced reason for spending time with God and His word. The more I read, the more I wanted to read – not only Cordeiro’s book, but also God’s book! The Divine Mentor isn’t just about mentoring among friends, it’s about Divine mentorship – God speaking directly from the pages of His word, to you and me.
Inside the Pages
Beginning with the story of sisters Mary and Martha in Luke 10, Cordeiroexplains how Martha was “distracted with her preparations,” but Mary took the opportunity to abandon her tasks, to sit with Jesus. He encourages the reader to do the same. He explains,
If you make Mary’s choice, then you will find Mary’s reward…What Mary had chosen – her decision to cultivate her relationship with Jesus, above all else – would never be taken from her. Not for the rest of her life. Not for eternity.
If you desire to spend time with the Lord, but aren’t sure how, The Divine Mentor offers a simple framework. Not only will you learn the deep reasons for reading the Bible, but you’ll also learn how to absorb it. The Divine Mentor beautifully offers a treasure-trove of wisdom, inspiring motive and direction for seeking God, within His word.
Finding So Much More
Although The Divine Mentor clearly outlines how to spend time with the Lord through His word, there’s also a river of living water that runs underneath. More than a “how-to” book, it reveals the beauty behind reading God’s word and hearing directly from His Spirit. Picture the Lord giving us our daily bread, feeding and satisfying each need, as He speaks to us through His word.
Cordeiro’s simple method for reading Scripture and journaling has made such an impact on me. As I’m washing the dishes, I remember what the Lord spoke to me that morning. Before I go to bed, I’m reminded of the Psalm that spoke of the Lord being my rock and salvation. The word of God is permeating my thinking and renewing my mind – speaking peace and direction to current situations.
As you read The Divine Mentor, I believe that you, too, will be inspired to make Mary’s choice – to sit at the feet of Jesus each day and relish His word. It will be an investment that God promises will not return empty.